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In many ways, 2020 was a year of overcoming hardship. We saw businesses and individuals struggle in many ways, but even more so, we saw people and our community rally around one another. We are proud of you and thankful for the ways you supported us as a small business in our community this year.
This past spring many individuals found themselves at home, and ready to improve their outdoor living spaces. We saw our job as providing the plant material and other tools to accomplish that goal as a mission. We wanted to do our part in helping support the mental and physical health of our community. As a business, we cannot applaud or thank our own staff enough! Our retail department had a record year, and our managers worked extremely hard to insure the safety of our staff and customers while excelling in operating and managing our retail department.
We are also extremely proud and thankful for our hardscape, landscape, and maintenance teams. They have all worked very hard on many large-scale projects. In 2020, we finished jobs like: Centennial Park in Midland, Buddy Holly Hall, Citizens Tower, TTU Weeks Hall, and the Monument of Courage. We continued to maintain large public and private parks, businesses and residences. We also worked alongside Betenbough Homes on their new neighborhood parks at Bell Farms and Upland Crossing and we began work at the Lubbock Tornado Memorial. We continued to foster many relationships with amazing customers as we helped individuals improve their homes.
We thank you, Lubbock! You have made our 2020 something to look back on and give thanks. We are thankful for progress, growth, and a community that continually shows us grace and support. Happy New Year, we pray each of you have a blessed 2021.

November 30, 2020
Please join us in congratulating our teams newest Licensed Landscape Architect, Tanner Hensel. Tanner has been a vital member of the Tom’s Tree Place team since he graduated from Texas Tech University in 2012. Congratulations, Tanner, we are proud of you!

August 21, 2020
Our Vitex are showing off this week!

July 16, 2020
A Hardy Hibiscus can add the perfect amount of color to help make your outdoor space feel like your own tropical paradise.

July 13, 2020
The Bubba Desert Willow is putting of spectacular blooms despite the heat. It’s a great drought tolerant option when choosing which tree to add to your outdoor living space.

July 9, 2020
The weather man is saying it’s going to be scorching hot by the end of the week and into the weekend. Help your plants and trees endure the heat by giving them some Superthive! It helps build vigor in plants allowing them to thrive in any weather condition.

June 23, 2020
Tom’s installed some big, beautiful trees for LS Kingdom Homes’ gorgeous Parade Home! The Parade of Homes is July 11-26. Go check out this amazing home!

June 3, 2020
Amazing progress pictures of the granite and limestone splash pad and paver deck at Centennial Park in Midland.

May 26, 2020
Having a drought tolerant landscape does not mean it has to be only rock and cactus. This landscape is extremely drought tolerant and is bursting with color! The grass is a variety of buffalo which is native to our region.

May 15, 2020
You can buy certain water-efficient and water-conserving products TAX FREE during the Water-Efficient Products Sales Tax Holiday. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can buy. If you are a contractor, landscaper or other service provider, see the link at the bottom of the page for specific information. The 2020 holiday begins Saturday, May 23, and goes through Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day). 🇺🇸 **Tom's will be closed on Sunday, as always, during Memorial Day Weekend. We will be open until 4:00PM on Monday the 25th.** 🇺🇸 Water-Conserving Products: You can buy certain water-conserving products tax free during the holiday period. These items are only exempt when you buy them for use at your residential property. You can buy items tax free during the holiday that are used or planted for: conserving or retaining groundwater; recharging water tables; or decreasing ambient air temperature, and so limiting water evaporation. 🇺🇸 Examples of items that qualify for the exemption include: -a soaker or drip-irrigation hose -a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system mulch -permeable ground cover surface that allows water to reach underground basins, aquifers or water collection points -plants, trees and grasses -water-saving surfactants -soil and compost 🇺🇸 For more information visit the Texas Comptroller website.